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Our Passion, Our Family

Inspired by the desire to do our part in strengthening the honeybee population, we ventured into keeping honey bees. There’s something truly captivating about honey bees that draws us deeper into their world. Honey bees are known for their production of honey and beeswax, as well as the large role they play in the pollination of plants and flowers. Honey bees can play an enormous role in producing the highest quality fruit and vegetables that we grow and consume.

Each year, in our small apiary,  we produce hundreds of pounds of honey and buckets of beeswax, propolis and pollen. Our goal is to use each part of the bee production to produce the purest local honey, organic lip balms and other products.

While we giveaway all of our output (both products and profits), we are motivated by the continuous learning and desire to contribute to the greater good of our community, the global ecosystem and the hard working bee colonies. We thank you for your support!

About Us: About
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